Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I get my adjustment? Does it matter what days I get them on?

Most new patients are asked to receive approximately 3 adjustments per week as they begin their care, it does not matter which 3 days you choose as long as you get the recommended visits each week. The number of visits you come will depend on your Corrective Care plan recommended by the doctors. It is important to stick with his recommendations so you see the best results.

Can I be adjusted too much?

There is no fear of adjusting too much… we are trained to know if you need an adjustment or not. If you do not need an adjustment, you will not receive one.

How do you know where to adjust?

We have been fortunate to have been able to care for many thousands of patients all with their own body type and health challenges. With that experience we are able to use many different types of “indicators” when deciding where to adjust each patient, and to do it efficiently and effectively. For example, we use our hands to detect subtle changes in spinal muscle tension, inflammation, tension or tone of the joints, and restricted motion or misalignment of the joints. We are constantly visually observing patients for changes in posture, unusual walking patterns, head tilt or rotation, along with many other visual indicators that can uncover a clue of where an underlying problem exists. X-rays serve to help us to confirm what we are feeling without hands or observing with our eyes.

Why do you look at my feet so much while doing the adjustment?

Subluxations in the spine and pelvis will create imbalances in posture, strength and motion that can be measured by many different tools. One way to quickly measure that imbalance is to observe a person’s function leg length. We ‘check your feet’ frequently to measure your leg length and to see how it changes as we make corrections to your spine. Using these leg length indicators do not tell us where to adjust, but rather inform us of how balanced your spine is and how tension on the spinal cord is changing with each adjustment we make.

What is that tool that you use? How does it work?

Torque Release Technique is the newest, most researched technique in chiropractic. The instrument that we use is called an Integrator.

Over years of stress, the joints of the spine can lose motion and symmetry and eventually will begin placing pressure and tension on the nerves they were made to protect. In order to heal these diseased and damaged joints, we must restore motion to the ‘stuck’ joint and place it back into a healthy position. To accomplish this, a certain amount of force must be applied to a very specific area of the spine.

The integrator allows us to correct these damaged joints and nerves in a very gentle way by creating force through speed and acceleration rather than mass and brute strength. It also allows us the opportunity to be very, very specific to correct the exact joint that needs correction without affecting the healthy joints around it.