Strawberries: featuring Diemer’s Farm & Greenhouse

All Things Strawberries (video below)

We at AlignWell Chiropractic fall under the umberella of holistic and alternative because we rely on drug-free methods to establish, support, and maintain health and wellness through principled chiropractic care. Nevermind that catagorizing drug-free as alternative discredits holistic methods to otherwise maintain current belief systems in The United States, set by major pharmaceutical companies, a topic for another time.

Nonetheless, I suppose this is why we pour into these blogs and email marketing. We strive to be the best Chiropractic Office in Holland, MI and we do this by encouraging people to lead their best possible lives.

Health is wealth and we want to invest our time to encourage you to invest in yourselves while simultaniously supporting those in our community that help nourish us, our local farmers!

Whole food is medicine and eating good fuel can have a lasting impact. This leads us to this weeks produce highlight!

Let’s talk strawberries.

Strawberries are great source of Manganese, Folate, Potassium, and Vitamin C. Many of these nutrients are vital to cell development, growth, and function.

Strawberries are also considered an antioxidant because they prevent oxidation and cell damage to vital molecules like DNA & proteins, molecules responsible for bodily function.

What’s even better, strawberries from Diemer’s Farm & Greenhouse. Diemer’s works to protect the integrity of their berries though crop rotation.

Crop rotation eliminates the need for spraying berries with pest fighting chemicals. It prevents pathogen build up as the host/crop is not available every season in the same area it was last planted. This stunts the growth of larger, host-specific pest populations in the soil, minimizing the need for chemical sprays.

Rest assured, you can enjoy your strawberries however you like without any concern for added chemicals when buying from Diemer’s Farm and Greenhouse.

Speaking of enjoying strawberries, we have yet to try anything with strawberries that we don’t love! Smoothies, strawberry shortcake, fruit pizza, fruit salad, parfaits, milkshakes, the list goes on. We recommend checking out this delicious 5-Minute Healthy Strawberry frozen Yogurt recipe for the perfect cool summer treat.

Fun Fact:

One acre of land can grow about 50,000 pounds of strawberries!

Healthy Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

Strawberries are perfectly delicious on their own but this clean alternative to ice cream makes eating consciously easy. If you try it, let us know what you think!

Full Recipe

No Spray, No Nonsense. Just Berries

Customers keep coming back for more of Diemer’s Farm and Greenhouse Strawberries which are completely spray free. Come get em’ while they last! The season for the freshes strawberries here in Michigan is coming to an end.

Learn More

Plan Your Visit

Look for Diemer Farm & Greenhouse at the Holland, MI Farmers Market or Learn More Below

Holland Farmers Market

Diemer's Farm & Greenhouse


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