Radishes: featuring Visser Farms

All Things Radish (video below)

Radishes are some of the fastest foods you can grow! You can plant them 16 (4 rows of 4) per square foot and are a great spring veggie! You don’t need a lot of space to grow radishes and they can thrive with less rich soil. 

One thing you might not know about radishes is that they can be a great and fast source of greens too! 

Radish greens have a slight radish flavor and are delicious on salads, in smoothies, or on pizza. 

Check out these facts about radishes from Web MD! 

“The radish is likely native to Southeast Asia or Central Asia. Ancient Greeks and Romans about 2,500 years ago also used it for food and medicinal purposes. Several thousand years ago, people began to cultivate the wild radish and encourage its spread across new lands. 

For example, red radish, also called round radish or globe radish, is what most often comes to mind when people think of radishes. However, red radish is just one variety. 

 The daikon, or Japanese radish, is white and resembles a carrot or parsnip. The watermelon radish has a pale green skin and pink interior. The black, or Spanish radish, has a black skin.”

Rainbow radishes, eating like our ancestors, adding spice to our meals and our lives… we are on board with all of it. 

Toss sliced radishes in soups or salads or roast them in the oven like you would potatoes. You’d be surprised to find that radishes peppery bit becomes more mild and creamy once cooked through, making them a potato alternative if you are monitoring carbohydrates.

Eating locally and in season (whether in your garden or from a local farmer) supports our communities, saves our earth by requiring less fossil fuels to travel to us, and ultimately leads to us consuming fresher food which means more nutrients for our bodies!

What is your favorite spring vegetable? We’d love to hear!

Fun Fact:

Visser Farms was established in 1902 & harvests over 40 fruits and vegetables. You can find their produce at 7 different Farmers Markets and 20 restaurants in the West Michigan area!

Roasted Radishes

Do you love roasted redskin potatoes? If so, try and swap the carb loaded root for its less carby counterpart, radishes!

Full Recipe

Leaving the Land Better than it Started

Farming for generations is no small feat. Visser Farms missions itself to take special care of the lands non-renewable resource, soil. Soil is essential to mineral rich produce and clean water. Rest assured, your produce is grown sustainably at Visser Farms.

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Plan Your Visit

Find Visser Farms at the Holland, MI Farmers Market or Learn More Below

Holland Farmers Market

Visser Farms


Broccoli: featuring Visser Farms


Asparagus: featuring Leutzinger Farms