Elderberry Syrup: featuring Mud Lake Farm

All Things Elderberry Syrup (video below)

Have you ever heard of elderberry syrup?

Elderberry syrup is something we always recommend to our Chiropractic patients during cold and allergy seasons. We highly recommend keeping some on hand as a drug-free, holistic alternative to medication.

Elderberry syrup is one of the best-studied natural antivirals available today. This is because elderberries contain a chemical called anthocyanin, which stimulates your immune system. Several studies have shown that supplementing with elderberry syrup helps to reduce the symptoms and duration of both flu and common cold infections. There have also been studies specifically on the effect elderberry syrup has on respiratory illnesses, which is important as we are coming out of the pandemic.

It is important to note that not all elderberry syrups are created equal. This is because some syrups can contain artificial flavors, colors , and added sugars. Almost every syrup includes an added sweetener due to the natural flavor of elderberries, and Mud Lake Farm (our featured vendor) is no exception. However, Mud Lake Farm uses locally sourced honey in is Elder Honey Syrup which together pack quite the punch.

Honey boosts the syrups health benefits by soothing sore throats and reducing risk of allergies. When you eat local honey, you expose your immune system to local pollen, which helps decrease your risk of developing allergies. If you already have allergies, give it at try because some research indicates that honey may help lower your reaction to local plants/pollen. 

In short, next time you are at the market on a Wednesday, be sure to stop by Mud Lake Farm’s booth and pick up some of their syrup is you haven’t already.

Gardening Tip:

Elderberries require some patience with taking nearly 2 to 3 years to produce berries. However, they can thrive in full sun and partial shade depending on the variety.

St. Steve's Cordial's & Sodas: Mud Lake Farm

Mud Lake Farm embraces the concept of Creation Stewardship which is to embody that we are the keepers of the earth and are therefore privileged with the opportunity to care for and protect all life on earth. Evidence of this is found through Mud Lake Farm’s commitment to growing and nurturing all ingredients in their cordials, syrups, & sodas.

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