An Introduction to our Farmers Market Series

We love the Holland, MI Farmers Market on 8th and are so thankful to have such an amazing space for vendors in our community. For the past 4 years we have been a proud partner and vendor by funding kids bucks, kids events, and setting up booth throughout the summer. We love eating from the earth, locally, and in season as much as possible and want to encourage our community to do the same; Which is why we are launching a Farmers Market blog series. 

Eating locally and in season means that you are eating the freshest food possible, maximizing the amount of nutrients you are able to consume through them. It means your food doesn’t have to spend days traveling to you which results in less fossil fuels needed for transportation, reducing your carbon footprint and saving the earth. Eating locally also means your dollars are going right back into our own community, cutting out the middleman, supporting local farming families, and investing in their work providing delicious, healthy food to our neighborhoods!

If you see us advocating for you to grow your own food, try a new healthy recipe, find local vendors, or shop at the farmers market for your health and wellness, this is why! 

Our desire is for every household in our community to be connected to the resources available to them at the farmers market, and to feel empowered with the information needed to feed food that heals and brings families together! 

Our goal with this Farmers Market series is to support and encourage health and wellness throughout our community. We will be posting an in-season produce item for you to try once a week, along with video footage of Dr. White getting the inside scoop from local farmers at Holland’s Farmers Market. Throughout the summer, our Farmers Market blog series will fill you in on what’s in season, health benefits/uses, gardening tips, delicious recipes, and more! We hope you’ll be encouraged to add these superfoods to your meals, consider gardening, or shopp our localFarmers Market! 

It’s going to be an adventure, and we hope you enjoy following along! You can find all of this and MORE on our blog! To be sure you don’t miss a thing, sign up for our newsletter here.

Read our blog on gardening to learn more reasons why we love growing our own food as much as we can!


Rhubarb: featuring Arnsman Farm


The Health Benefits of Gardening