Pediatric Care
Of all of our practice members we serve approximately 1/3 pediatrics. Therefore, you will often see children playing in our kids waiting room, carrying toys to the adjustment rooms to help transition, and even getting adjusted while playing or in the comfort of their parents arms. We know the importance of working with children at their level to improve comfort and enjoyment of coming to the office. This inevitably reduces parents’ stress in taking the step to set their children up to heal and grow into healthy adults!
Chiropractic care during childhood promotes health through an optimally functioning nervous system, including but not limited to the treatment of…
Acid reflux
Bed wetting
Ear infections
Learning disabilities ADD/ADHD/Sensory
Processing Disorder
Respiratory difficulties
Our doctors all have extensive experience in caring for children. Through training in school and post graduation, our doctors are constantly seeking the latest and most up to date research and care for pediatric cases.