It’s Allergy Season: How to combat allergies with chiropractic care

 7 out of 10 people can walk through a field full of pollen and dander and experience no itching eyes, sneezing, sleep troubles, or congestion. 

The other 3 are usually made to suffer through allergies every year, sometimes multiple times per year. 

Doctors may prescribe an antihistamine which can help relieve some of the discomfort but unfortunately, is not without its own list of side effects and their medications do nothing to help solve the problem long term or to heal the underlying issue. 

This lack of options leaves allergy sufferers in a winless situation. Either submit to a lifetime of loading up on expensive over the counter or prescription medications with subpar results, multiple times a year, or be left miserable with a slew of unpleasant symptoms that make completing daily tasks difficult for weeks at a time. 

But what if there was hope? Another option that provided real solutions, proven results, with no negative side effects?

Chiropractic adjustments help our bodies process and adapt to our environment, whether that be pollen or dander or whatever else.

Our nervous system controls all the systems of the body, including the immune system. Much of the immune system is located in the brain and spine. Since allergies are caused by an overreaction by the immune system, keeping this part of the body healthy and strong can increase the body’s ability to have an appropriate immune response. In many cases, this improved immune function removes seasonal allergies all together.

Caring for our nervous system through Principled Chiropractic Care ensures our bodies are able to function as they were intended, which often provides permanent relief for seasonal allergy sufferers : without the side effects.

Some other natural remedies recommended by our doctors include 

  1. Proper nutrition 

  2. Good nights rest 

  3. Staying hydrated

  4. Vitamin D3

  5. High-quality multivitamin

  6. Local Raw honey can help with environmental allergies

  7. Alkalol nasal wash can help with sinus pressure for seasonal or chronic sufferers. We have had patients with a 50-60 year history of sinus congestion that cleared using this wash. 

  8. Below are facial massage points that you can do to release sinus pressure.                                            a) Where the eyebrow starts,                                                                                                                         b) Where the arch of the eyebrow is,                                                                                                             c) Where the nasal bone meets the cheekbone, and                                                                                   d) The base of the nostrils.

We are seeing these results in our office all the time and it’s just too good not to share. 

What would no seasonal allergies mean to you?


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